Leeds United Air Crash Memories

Alan Maybury

Life in 1998

In 1998 Alan was a 19 year old defender in the Leeds United Team.


Alan recalls: That flight with the Leeds United team seems a lifetime ago. I was only a young boy at the time 19 years old. Football moves so fast and everyone has to take the best path for themselves but I remain in touch and friendly with a number of my teammates from back then.

The last 25 years


My career took me up and down the country bouncing between Scotland and England.

I’ve now settled in Scotland where I work as manager of Scottish League 1 club Edinburgh City FC

I have been coaching since I stopped playing in about 2016.


I was fortunate to have had a decent career that included playing for my country, the Republic of Ireland, playing in European competitions and playing in a cup final.

Nearly 500 games over the 21 years.


I married my wife Leigh in 2009.

She is Scottish and we met when I was playing for Hearts in Edinburgh.


We have 2 children

Grace who is 15 years old and is in 4th year in high school

She is currently studying for her Nat 5 Exams.

Jude who is 11 years old and is in his last year of primary school.

He plays in Rangers Academy



Message to the aircrew


I am grateful to John’s quick thinking in averting what could have been a much more tragic situation. Its only afterwards when the crash was investigated and we hear about some possible scenarios that were averted do we fully appreciate what a hero John is.

Please send John a big thank you from me!
